Ensemble is a group show of newly commissioned and recent works by Bendt Eyckermans, Adam Farah-Saad, Nikita Gale, Louise Giovanelli, JJ Guest, Anthea Hamilton, Rene Matić, Tristan Pigott, Coumba Samba, Mohammed Sami and Issy Wood.
Alice Black Academy, a pioneering new school dedicated to demystifying the contemporary art world, is set to launch in central London. The Academy aims to open the often exclusive and opaque art world to a wider audience.
Established at the bequest of the late Lee Alexander McQueen CBE in 2012, Sarabande’s core aim is to support the most creatively fearless minds of the future.
ALICE BLACK will present a special screening of Carolee Schneemann’s (1939-2019) iconic film ‘Fuses’ (1964-7). With special thanks to the Carolee Schneemann Foundation.
A dazzling new series of kinetic sculptures by Ivan Black for Adobe’s new HQ in Salt Lake City, Utah. This project was 3 years in the making and tested all of Ivan and his teams creativity & powers of innovation.