‘Mixed Feelings’ (24); Archival Film courtesy of SparkBoom Productions.
4, 5, 6 April | 6-10 PM
7 Windmill St, London, W1T 2JD
From 4-6 April (6-10pm) e.g. King’s ‘Mixed Feelings’, a psychoanalytically themed concept bar slash artwork, will set the stage for a salon style gathering across three nights at ALICE BLACK, London. Sipping from the history and myth of the artist’ bar, ‘Mixed Feelings’ brings with it a series of nightly off-grid happenings, performances, and ad-hoc programming. A research-based artwork, itself a lab of in-person exchange, ‘Mixed Feelings’ draws on the figure of the bartender-cum-therapist in popular culture - we invite you to join us in an ambivalent space between the social and the therapeutic. Fuelling festivities: Live jam, performance, short films, poetry and poker! Sculptures from George Richardson and David Shamie, and works on paper from Chris Owen will further transform the exhibition space to the sultriest of speakeasies.
Curated by Jane McCabe & e.g. King
Reprieving the inimitable, friends of ‘Mixed Feelings’ assemble for a live acoustic and amplified jam.
Feat. Faissal El-Malak | Christian Kingo | Eden McDowell | Harmeet Rahal
Live OPEN CALL* for a spot in the following nights screening, curated by a special guest...
NIGHT TWO: Art Bars Live & On Film
Film screenings and live performance will be politely interrupted with wax sets. Smile, you too are on camera!
Feat. Daniel Greenfield-Campoverde | Jennifer Irving | Zadoc Nava | Mon | Chris Owen
NIGHT THREE: Perudo, Poker, and Poetry
No cash buy in*. Winner take all. Liars Dice and Blackjack, followed by OPEN MIC* and scheduled acts of tendered words.
Feat. Katie Houston | Katie Shannon | Dee Sharma
Y B LONELY? London-based F, e.g. King, pursuing an MFA Fine Art at Goldsmiths 24’, makes improvised & deconstructed music. Recent examples incl. an attempt to learn the 80s anthem The Whole of the Moon interrupted by questions ~People also ask~, and a looping piano melody intercut with musings on a disorientating holiday. Desperately seeking spaces of encounter and uncertainty for experience of same: WLTM you in her bar ~Mixed Feelings~, constructed from cardboard and serving the kind of personalised cocktails money can't buy.

Participatory Guidelines for LIVE OPEN CALL, No Cash Buy in, and OPEN MIC
For those who have a short film (between 3’ and 15’ in length), which they feel aligns conceptually with the prompt ‘Art Bars Live and On Film’, and who would like to submit their work for consideration to be screened on 5 April during the event, please bring the work on a USB to 7 windmill Street on 4 April. The USB should be enclosed in an envelope with the work details pertaining to the piece, and your contact details.
Jennifer Irving, Goldsmiths MFA Curatorial Candidate ’24 with research focusing on site specificity, and writer for the feminist film journal Another Gaze, will make a selection from the films submitted to be screened the following evening, 5 April.
Please email jane@aliceblackgallery.com with further inquiries, with the subject line LIVE OPEN CALL.
To participate in the Poker or Perudo (liar’s dice) tables, viewers must buy in with a sketch to play. Gessoed newspaper, cut into the size of a bank note, will be provided.
Please email jane@aliceblackgallery.com with further inquiries, with the subject line NO CASH BY IN.
On April 6, there will be an open mic for vocal performances in all forms; poetry, song, stand-up… Sign up for spaces will be made available at 7 Windmill Street on April 6 from 6 pm.
Please email jane@aliceblackgallery.com with further inquiries, with the subject line OPEN MIC.