“applying a mathematical formulae to the intersecting layers of yarn, geometric forms emerge”


Static / Kinetic


Maryrose Watson graduated from Chelsea School of Art in 2010, she currently lives and works in Norwich, UK. 

With a background in constructed textiles, Watson’s work challenges established concepts of weave. Working off loom, she lays both warp and weft simultaneously, wrapping yarn directly around or through a frame structure. By applying her own mathematical formulae to the intersecting layers of yarn, geometric forms emerge.

Watson's work is initially process driven: an exploration of the interaction between horizontal and vertical lines, each new project beginning with a questioning of the technique and experimenting with new ways of wrapping. Watson says of her technique: ‘Wrapping is an instinctive process for me; my underlying motivations and influences becoming apparent as new works are produced’.

In conjunction with form, colour is a key element in Watson's work.  The inspiration for her choice of colour is wide ranging and instinctive. Hand-dyeing her own yarns allows her to control her palette and fine-tune colour combinations to create specific resonance and contrast. Watson's structures react with light to create a constantly changing visual experience, intensified as the observer moves around the work. 

In 2011 Watson exhibited as part of  ‘Future Map’, Zabludowicz Collection, London (2014); ‘COLLECT’, Saatchi Gallery, London (2012, 2013, 2014). She was awarded the Peter Collingwood Trust Award in 2011 and forms part of the permanent collection of University of the Arts London. 




selected works